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Under review

STILL unable to retrieve ANY background both on most dials And screen background. Nimbus capture was NO help in posting here.

Linda Ann Graham 4 years ago updated by nimbusweb 4 years ago 1

Tried the screenshot and the only thing that posted here was the dial I just deleted about 15 minutes ago and NOT the screenshot I took with Nimbus.

Under review

EverSync Options BackUP : My EverSync has trashed a Speed Dial. Why?

Gary Cunningham 4 years ago updated by nimbusweb 4 years ago 1
Under review

FVD SpeedDial question: Do you have a method for alphabetizing the tabs in the drop-down list.

Gary Cunningham 4 years ago updated by nimbusweb 4 years ago 1
Under review

Re. Eversync bookmarks

mfranjones 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

Great app, already well-filled with bookmarks but now want to do subfolders + the link to the tutorial doesn't work now. How will new downloaders be able to use app effectively? Also, why no new updates - is app being abandoned? 

Under review

Separators inside a group

Александр Фандорин 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 4

It would be neat to be able to add separators inside a group, both vertical and horisontal.

Like having a "Games" group where some rows of tabs are logic online games, then one row of "action" games and so on.

Something similar to the windows 10 start menu, where one can separate tiles/dials in groups.


Как восстановить пароль на аккаунте

elena 03-08-60 4 years ago 0

После обновления windows 10 не могу войти в аккаунт с сохраненным в яндекс-браузере паролем. Это просто беда, Там труд нескольких лет.


Link for FVD

goodgood 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

Hi guys! There was a discussion here some time ago that FVD Downloader no longer works with the newer versions of Firefox. So someone had posted a link where you could download the .zip for the downloader. Everything worked fine, but recently I reset my PC and forgot to save the file. Anyway, I hope that the person who did it sees this and posts the link again. Thanks a lot!

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