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How is the Top and Bottom Feature Supposed to Work when adding a New Speed Dial?

Ponderosa 6 років тому оновлений 6 років тому 2

Request: Allow the Speed Dial Groups to be listed on More then One side of the screen simultaneously or Any One Side.

Ponderosa 6 років тому оновлений 6 років тому 0

Manage Group Menu Screen Displays the Groups in random order, but does not show a Sort Option

Ponderosa 6 років тому оновлений 6 років тому 0
Under review

Request: When adding a Speed Dial I would like to be able to add TEXT inside the Speed Dial Icon as well as outside the Speed Dial Icon preferably on ALL four side of the Speed Dial Icon.

Ponderosa 6 років тому оновлено nimbusweb 6 років тому 3
Under review

Request: I have a few Groups in my Group list that I only sue One Speed Dial. I would like to be able to Click on the Selected Group and have the Group Auto Start.

Ponderosa 6 років тому оновлено nimbusweb 6 років тому 1