Your comments
Здравствуйте, Влад. По поводу количества строк. Количество строк зависит от размера дилов. Вы можете задать свой размер и таким образом изменить количество строк. Оно будет подстраиваться под размер вашего монитора. По поводу перетаскивания дилов. Вы можете перетаскивать уже созданные дилы, как вам угодно. Вы можете создать новый дил и переместить его в середину.

To change the main picture of dial to icon/logo/picture you want, you need to right-click on your dial, then choose the option 'Edit', you will have this menu(in the screenshot). In this menu you need to choose 'custom preview'. There you can choose preview from local file or any users image on right side. Or you also can add new dial and after adding url you can choose picture from right side or your custom.

Hello! Thank you for your feedback, we will discuss your offer.
Hello! In FVD Speed Dial search engine bases on your location. But also you can try our another add-on Live Start Page where you can change search engine on your favourite.
Hello! Our team always tries to answer all questions and wishes of our users. We mark and pay attention to all requests. If you have any specific problem or idea for our new version, tell me about it, I will try to help you.
Здравствуйте. Что именно у вас стряслось с закладками? Можете показать на скриншотах?
hello! you just need to switch the default page in the options of Firefox browser. You need to change 'empty page' to 'home page'. Then, Speed Dial will be automatically as the default page.
This is an auto-update of dials in the background. It is all right. If you want, you can turn off an auto-update of your dials in the

options in the main menu.
Hello! the number of dials in vertical columns depends on the size. You need to reduce the size of dials to put more dials in your column. Thank for feedback.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello! The search engine in Speed Dial bases on your location. If you have Yandex, you are in terretory with this search engine. I can offer you our another product Live Start Page. There you can choose search engine you want.