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What we have now - User have a problem, write post, someone from the developers reply, in some post very unfriendly, but suggest some tips. User reply back with those, with "thank you", nothing that there are still issues.

No answer! Nothing, not even: Ok, we are working on it, we plan to fix it on the date dd-mm, we are sorry...

Great way to handle users!

Ok, thanks. Now I created new FF profile. And SpeadDials started to load and after populated app 3/4, they are stacked again with endless circles... If I do refresh or add new, it is the same. So, obviously something is preventing them for  reloading. Of course, I have much less than the limit, just to be clear.

I asked what is a "FF profile" - If you mean a version it is 56.0.1 (64-bit)....

And then replied that I did all what is suggested and that there is no improvement

What is a FF profile?

I was trying to do all you listed on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fvd-speed-dial/ , adding exception to privacy, renamed Storage profile, clear the cash, but it simply doesn't work.

In addition, I had a password to open SpeedDial, now it is opening without entering the pass :(

Unfortunately, still without any progress :(

No -not even close. When I rested it, it created new folder with the same name and of course new speaddial set (all my content was gone). Only when I deleted the new one and re-rename the renamed one, it returned.

To tel you the truth, I'm not even sure you read my first post, as I don't see how this has to do anything with the issue whether we will have the dialog box open for adding new dials from address bar (and there I mean an speeddial icon), or we just have a default location, as it is now.

Why thanking? Lot of people wasted lot of hours and some of them lot of bookmarks due to a sloppy development! This is outrageous!