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previews not showing

amandajanedowie 6 years ago updated by Gleb Khegay 6 years ago 1

SpeedDial as my Home Page

geetee 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

When opening Firefox my home page is SpeedDial, it use to display my groups but now I get a white page and have to open a second tab to get my groups to display


Screen Reader Engine

Phillip 6 years ago updated by Pavel Shcherbakov 6 years ago 1

Is it possible to add a read engine to Nimbus Note to assist some of us whose eyes are now failing to read longish notes form the computer screen, please!


make this as default homepage and reduce its size for mobile page

Faizan Khan M 6 years ago updated by Nasim Sadikov 6 years ago 1

Firefox homepage needs this as default because we don't have time to go nd find bookmarks and opening pages. So we can add bookmarks as 3d view we can easily open and surf on net


Memory leak ?

E. Dufour 6 years ago updated by Gleb Khegay 6 years ago 1

I use Eversync for IE11.

Since I have launch eversync.exe, this executable uses more and more memory, as visible in the process manager. 10 minutes after, it uses around 1 400 000 K and is still increasing ...


Eversync IE impossible to synchronize

E. Dufour 6 years ago updated by Gleb Khegay 6 years ago 2

I use Eversync with IE11

It's impossible to trigger the synchronisation:

Eversync blue icon appears in  the panel but right click (or even left !) on it is inefficient: no menu, no synchronization

Internet connection to my everhelper account doesn"t show anything to allow IE synchronization.


Нет картинок дилов

kentavr66 6 years ago updated by Nasim Sadikov 6 years ago 1

Это приложение в Firefox сохраняет картинку сайта, даже если у сайта нет специальных картинок. В Chromium синие круги. Предлагаю разработчикам исправить эту ошибку. Очень неудобно, и смысл дилов теряется.


jquery can't use

1063465766 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1




beizi6020 6 years ago updated by Gleb Khegay 6 years ago 1
Under review

Синхронизация Бесит!

www-1704 6 years ago updated by nimbusweb 6 years ago 4

меня да и не только меня! Не устраивает синхронизация! Так все заморочено до ужаса! Еще для этого Установить дополнительное расширение! Потом ничего не понятно! что то загрузить нужно потом востановить(( Какой то ОТСТОЙ !Что нельзя сделать просто кнопку Синхранизировать! через гугл диск например!

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