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how do i get rid of convert buttons

Spdif 6 years ago updated by Gleb Khegay 6 years ago 1

How to show only download buttons only without convert buttons

Under review

Synchro creates mulitple copies of folders and links

Christos Ekimogloy 6 years ago updated by Simon H 4 years ago 2

If i set the files to synchronize, I got 50 copies of my folders all different. Merge should do just that not add extra copies.

This is about to make me stop using the application as it is cause more problems than it is worth.


Change the Search Engine

Cabeo 6 years ago 0

I'd like to be able to change the search engine of the search bar. I don't use Yahoo, which is what it's set on, so I just disabled the search bar altogether.

Under review

I can't login to eversync. "an error occured, please go back to the login form". All the time

tomas_76 6 years ago updated by Gleb Khegay 6 years ago 5
Under review

unexpected high number of trashed items

PhilD 6 years ago updated by Jeff Titamer 6 years ago 4

Why, when I have changed almost nothing in my list of bookmarks is Eversync showing thousands of "trashed" bookmarks. It's wrong


no thumbnails show up, despite sites are loading

Kanon 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Image 1390

Hi. I got no thumbnails. I'm on Linux, Firefox 60. Tried to disable all addons, manualy load thumbs, automaticaly load thumbs. Nothing worked. When I hit refresh or create all, the site gets loaded, but the dial stays white.

Could you help?


Don't show available dial slots when screen is full

Leigh 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

As dials are added to a tab, the software ensures that there are always slots available to add new dials.  This works great until the last dial on a fully maximized screen is shown, and then it adds a whole line of empty dials that are partially visible and a scroll bar.  They way I work, I would rather user a tab until it is full and then switch to another tab for more dials rather than add dials to the same page with a scroll bar.  The only way I can facilitate this currently is to leave the last dial always empty.

Under review

Папка "FVD Toolbar"

xez 6 years ago updated by nimbusweb 6 years ago 1

Зря убрали из профиля Firefox папку "FVD Toolbar" с настройками и картинками. Места она занимала немного, а возможность быстро восстановить с нуля дилы или воссоздать ранее используемые дилы (используя архив привычных картинок), пропала (online не пользуюсь, предпочитаю все свое иметь под рукой). Пропала возможность и редактирования картинок без больших трудозатрат (скрины, прозрачность и т.д.). Ведь удобный и простой был механизм! Зачем в угоду моде портить!

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