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Under review

Почему перестала работать FVD Speed Dial в опере

Caesars 5 years ago updated by Serg231234 5 years ago 12

Вчера обновилась опера, закладки работали нормально, сегодня пришел включил, просто показывается белый экран, при этом в настройки заходит, браузер почистил, толку нет. Версия оперы 62.0.3331.43


individual dial titles are always resetting after refreshing the dials

anadaria 6 years ago updated by paulmz 3 years ago 10

d/find a thread to the topic mentioned...
having umpteen dials with individual titles I can skim thru quickly, it's very annyoing when the resetting happens

I d/have the time to put back the individual titles I need to quickly find a dial I need

how can this issue be avoided or solved?

btw, thx a bunch for this FF add-on - a huge help for my work! ♥

Under review

Not working on Firefox

Gabriel Głowacki 7 years ago updated by nimbusweb 7 years ago 1

I have tried it on FF 56 and FF 52.0.1 on two different computers.

On FF 52.0.1 trying synchronize ends with following screen for many minutes without change (I have chosen "download" to replace local bookmarks with bookmarks from server)

Image 881

On FF 56 synchronization is done, but bookmarks remain unchanged (no changes moved to local bookmarks).

At the same time bookmarks in Chrome are updated properly with no problems.

Any ideas?

Under review

Missing titles!

GHD 7 years ago updated by nimbusweb 7 years ago 1

After this latest update, I no longer see the titles above dials.  I only get a tiny logo, which makes them difficult to identify.

Under review

Please bring back the old UI. Change whatever you have to underneath, but this new UI is dysfunctional.

MJL17 7 years ago updated by Piccolo Puffo 7 years ago 4

- Loads very slowly and sometimes without previous settings. Should not have to reset every time.

- Get rid of that stupid 1970s background when trying to adjust dial size and opacity. Have to close every time to see the adjustment, Previous UI the user could see the adjustments as they were made. Why are we going backwards?

- Images do not fit in the dials. Even refreshing does not help, and the next time I start FF the images are wrong again. What is the functionality in making users reset everything every time?

- Left justifty the titles above the tiles. Centering takes away from the length of the title.

- Bring back the old UI, that would solve the problems. Fix what is needed underneath for FF57 but stop screwing with the functionality.

Under review

After the update with the 3d effect, everytime I start Firefox it reverts back to the previous settings. Also there is no 1 click tab to make speeddial as the Home Page.

JonathanB 7 years ago updated by Gleb Khegay 6 years ago 3

After the update with the 3d effect, everytime I start Firefox it reverts back to the previous settings. Also there is no 1 click tab to make speeddial as the Home Page.

Under review

Новая версия просто отвратительна!

tuimada 7 years ago updated by nimbusweb 7 years ago 1

Новая версия просто отвратительна!!
Зачем то добавили этот 3Д-режим, который совершенно не нужен в сугубо утилитарном приложении.
Браузер стал открываться очень медленно, зачастую полностью подвисая! :-(

Отныне в самом дополнении нельзя сделать бекап дилов на комп в
произвольную папку по своему выбору, что очень плохо! Теперь для этой
процедуры требуется обязательная установка EverSync, после чего - или
онлайн-синхронизация, или локальный бекап дилов в некую "локальную базу"
опять таки без возможности вручную указать папку для сохранения. Цитата
из настроек:
"Важно! Эти резервные копии
сохранены в локальной базе данных FVD Speed Dial. Если вы удалите это
расширение, то эти базы данных будут также удалены! Используйте онлайн
доступ и онлайн резервные копии."
Очень, очень плохо..

Так же у новой версии глючная система сохранения настроек. При очистке
"журнал/удалить недавнюю историю" в FireFox, пользовательские настройки
нового Speed Dial полностью сбрасываются к состоянию по-умолчанию, как
будто теперь хранятся в чём то, что удаляется при этой манипуляции.
Разработчики должны дать возможность скачать и установить предыдущую версию (только
сделав её совместимой с Firefox 57), поскольку она была идеальна, или
внести изменения в текущую в соответствии с вышеуказанными замечаниями.

Under review

Firefox 57 update disabled the extension

liga_zarina 7 years ago updated by knookie 7 years ago 5

Firefox has updated to version 57 and in process has disabled the extension. You can't use it any more. The problem is that all my bookmarks were there. How do I access/recover them? Is there a backup file of some sort?


Let Us Pick Our Search Engine

dogshiteaten 8 years ago 0

search box is shit, we need to be able to change the search engine to what we want. is a so called virus,

We have been asking for 3yrs and still nothing, do something about it.

Under review

Dials (Links) should also be to be arranged manually ,so that screen can be customized mannually and only if activated automatic sorting should take over

KSee 8 years ago updated by CP_ PerpaDuan 4 years ago 4

It's a pity that it's not possible to move around the dials as I want so that I can arrange the icons in my sequence using the virtual grids even some cells of the grids are not yet filled.

The automatic sequencing is not very helpful here.

Overall I like the addon.

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