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downloaded themes but cant find them

gospelteacher 5 лет назад 0

should not there be a list of themes available to choose from after downloading?

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Popular Group cannot be accessed when clicked on. So why is it there??

fogcitynative 5 лет назад обновлен nimbusweb 5 лет назад 1

I know I can turn off the popular group in settings but when it is on and I click on it, it does nothing. So why is there even such a thing as the popular group if I cannot access it?

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confirm to remove

ignoto82 5 лет назад обновлен nimbusweb 5 лет назад 5

once removed the confirmation to delete a dial I cant find an option to restore said pop up with the request.

It's me or is hidden somewhere?

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FVD Speed dial recovery (Not the normal way)

jstravers 5 лет назад обновлен nimbusweb 5 лет назад 1

Speed dial stopped working a couple of days ago so I removed it

(Without backing up), is there any way to recover the speed dial config/entires from a backup of the PC?

I have tried recovering the firefox profile, but that didn't work, is

there a specific file I could look at in the backup that would hold all

the speed dial entires?

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FVD speeddial recovery

jstravers 5 лет назад обновлен nimbusweb 5 лет назад 1
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Enable Passcode every time user opening the web browser

ALAN ANSON 5 лет назад обновлен nimbusweb 5 лет назад 1

So i was thinking the reason of passcode is to protect user privacy ,maybe it is better to add a function for user to enable passcode every time user opening the web browser , just in case of someone "accidently' open it .BTW your guys did a amazing job on the FVD


make the 'add dial' pop-up landscape instead of scrolling down to add dial.

DCDB 5 лет назад 0

The title says it all. To add a dial in Firefox entails scrolling down after selecting the dial image. As most monitors are now landscape, it seems ante-deluvian to have to scroll down when so much of the screen is not being utilised.

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Lost all Dials on FF update, how to recover? thanks.

Seal 5 лет назад обновлен nimbusweb 5 лет назад 3

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