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Sorry for the misunderstanding. ?

How did you do Duplicate Bookmarks search? On our website?

EverSync service is dedicated to sync your bookmarks and backup them.

First you need to decide where is actual copy (all) of your Bookmarks I assume they are in your browser. If yes, you need to use UPLOAD initial action in your browser. All bookmarks will be sent on our server and stored there. After you did so, you will be able just to sync new bookmarks and folders. But first you need to do initial action.

Duplicate removal is different action, so do Sync first, than we do duplicates.

It is very strange. Do you need upload your bookmarks to the site or only Merge?

Open http://everhelper.me/client/ and right click on needed folder - Archive - http://nimb.ws/ohtTxF

I double checked with dev. team. You need to wait longer, it Firefox bookmarking system that doesn't work fast.

Maybe you need to wait some time? Most likely your CPU is overloaded.


How many bookmarks do you have? Did you download or upload bookmarks?



Do you use EverSync? What's your browser version?

Многие случайно прячут и потом найти не могут. Для безопасности у нас Power Off есть, блокировать под паролем. А это просто чтобы больше волпарае видно было и дилы не мешали.

Как понимаю, они не просто меняют айпи, а пропускают весь траффик через свои сервера и соотвественно быстродействие сайтов зависит уже пропускной способности их серверов.

Отключить вкладку пока нельзя. Подумаем, как сделать.