Your comments

Actually re-installed the extensions now.. Everything is back to normal now..

Thank you very much for your help!!

Ok will try that after a few hours.. If I have more trouble, I will contact support again. Thanks for your prompt help. much appreciated.

Now I overwrote the local data from the server. This brought back my custom image for dials too..  However the background of the dials are looking gray, as shown in the previous image.. Can anything be done about this?

If not, I can live with this.


yes.. Synched several time since I faced this problem.

yes.. behind a corporate firewall..

In the meantime, I tried to edit the dials. When I click edit and modify ( without actually doing any changes), the images on the dials are back ( even though the bg on the dials are quite bad).  However this trick doesnt work for dials with custom images. 

Thanks for the quick reply. Chrome is  Version 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Here is the screenshot