Your comments

Yes. I already did that. But all it shows me is the number of the speed dials and the number of bookmarks. When I tryed to synchronize them it looked like it was working but for a few hours nothing has happened.
Only this morning when I started chrome browser the speed dials page appeared.
My EverHelper account is empty. There are no speed dials. How can I manage to import those from  Chrome when all that it does is to prompt me the web store. How can I import my dials?
Hi Eric,
It seems that everything is in order now. I started my browser and it opened with all my speed dials as it never was any problem there before. I do not know what sort of problem it was. I will certainly make use of your advice and I will make a local backup for future situations. Again, thank you for your advices and expertise.

As I said above, all that I have obtained by pressing the EverSync pictogram from the right up corner it was a blank page. Anyway, thank you for the nimbus clip. It was very helpful, indeed.
If you have any explanation for the issue raised, please feel free and contact me.
Kind regards,
It is the first time I have encountered this issue.
Who should be blamed, because when I opened EverSync and pressed the synchronize button all I have obtained was a blank white milky page and no dials nor other commands.