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I'm also an Xmarks survivor, converting over to Eversync, and my issue is the sort order on the iOS app. 

Aside from the fact your app looks "zoomed in" all the time (I'm guessing it was designed for older/smaller iPhones and ported over...it really needs an update, IMO), I want my bookmarks to appear in the EXACT SAME ORDER they appear in Chrome and Firefox. Instead, they are all Alphabetical. 

Now, YES, I am aware of the sort options, and I tried to sort by Creation Date (which I figured would be the answer), but that doesn't work for meeither, because for some reason bookmarks I created many years ago appear to have a Creation Date of Jan. 2018. I don't understand why the app can't simply recreate the order they are in in the desktop browsers. Xmarks did. And now I'm concerned my Chrome/Firefox bookmark order is going to fall prey to the same "bug" the next time I sync.