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WooHoo! I had to disable Avira on my Laptop to merge Speed Dials to Server, and it worked! I believe I have all of my Dials on my new desktop. Thanks for your help!

Okay, Thank you so much! I have things to do today, but I'll let you know what happens ASAP! Thanks again. (Scott)

Yes, Okay, let me open my laptop and re-sync though's dials, then should I "Merge" or "Download" again on my new Desktop PC?

Okay, so I turned off both antivirus programs and ran Download - Overwrite Local Data, and it actually finished! and it loaded most of my sites but I still have a couple of groups that are empty and some others that didn't get them all. Any way to fix that?

Let me try the Download first.

No, I pressed the "Merge" button, When I shut down my PC and reboot, it starts over again with only 6 sites saved and only 2 folders showing, "Popular" and "Default". Should I do "Download" the first time on a new PC?

NOTE: Running on Google Chrome - Windows 8