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WooHoo! I had to disable Avira on my Laptop to merge Speed Dials to Server, and it worked! I believe I have all of my Dials on my new desktop. Thanks for your help!

Okay, Thank you so much! I have things to do today, but I'll let you know what happens ASAP! Thanks again. (Scott)

Yes, Okay, let me open my laptop and re-sync though's dials, then should I "Merge" or "Download" again on my new Desktop PC?

Okay, so I turned off both antivirus programs and ran Download - Overwrite Local Data, and it actually finished! and it loaded most of my sites but I still have a couple of groups that are empty and some others that didn't get them all. Any way to fix that?

Let me try the Download first.

Yes, Avira and Bit Defender.

No, I pressed the "Merge" button, When I shut down my PC and reboot, it starts over again with only 6 sites saved and only 2 folders showing, "Popular" and "Default". Should I do "Download" the first time on a new PC?

NOTE: Running on Google Chrome - Windows 8