Your comments

Если вы имеете в виду постоянное обновление дилов и появление фонового окна на панели задач, то это идёт автообновление дилов. Данную функцию можно выключить в настройках 

Do you mead FVD Speed Dial for Firefox Android? 

What version of Android and Firefox do you use?

I installed this addon on the latest version of firefox on Android 7.1

Hello! We see the problem. Already delegated it to our dev team. Thank you!

Check color settings. You probably should try to change the color of titles in settings

Can you show how does it work for you? Make a screenshot, please.

install the latest update of Speed Dial

There is an option to change bg color and title color of groups

Check the color of dials title in setting. try to change it.

Due to Firefox 57+ update we cannot use old design.

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