Twoje komentarze
Yes, screen recording would be great!
Let's try Team Viewer session?
Если Вы имеете в виду загрузку дилов через локальный SD файл, то мМы обновим аддон в ближайшие несколько часов. Кнопки импорта и экспорта будут возвращены во вкладку Бэкапов в настройках eversync
Hello! We'll fix this problem soon. In couple days we'll update our addon and return Import and Export buttons in EverSync -> Backups tab.
Make sure that this options is turned on:
We are working hard to to deliver the best product we can do. We're trying to fix all bugs reported from users ASAP. Very glad to know that you're satisfied with our product.
We've just updated FVD Speed Dial for Chrome. There are some bug fixes in this update.
It can be turned off in settings:
Please update the addon. If it doesn't work, le'ts try team viewer
When you have FVD Speed Dial extension installed, you will have empty URL field in a new tab.
It's not allowed to change New Tab in this case in Google Chrome due to their rules.
Customer support service by UserEcho
just upload it to google drive