When is the Next SPEED DIAL (FVD) UPDATE for CHROME Scheduled for RELEASE?
Nimbus Support,
When is the Next SPEED DIAL (FVD) UPDATE for CHROME Scheduled for RELEASE?
The current Version is 67.7.8
Thank you,
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello! Do you have any problems with current version?
Hi Gleb,
No, I am not having any problems with the current Chrome Version 67.7.8. The reason for my question was because I have requested along with other's additional features, etc. and wondering when and if they will be added to the Chrome extension at some later date.
Please note, I have been using Speed Dial FVD for only a few months now running Speed Dial FVD on my Macbook Pro running High Sierra in a stand-alone configuration.
I do not use Safari or Firefox at this time and therefore are not experiencing any issues using Speed Dial in this standalone manner.
I do use the EverHelper program to backup my Bookmarks and Speed Dials and aside from testing this extension using the free version I am very happy with the way it is working.
If and when I decide to start using additional browsers then I may run into issues and I will request support as needed.
Hopefully, that will not be the case.
Thank you,
We are working hard to to deliver the best product we can do. We're trying to fix all bugs reported from users ASAP. Very glad to know that you're satisfied with our product.
We've just updated FVD Speed Dial for Chrome. There are some bug fixes in this update.
Hi Gleb,
Current Update:
I checked my FVD Speed Dial for Chrome Extension Version number on my MacBook Pro and found that it has been updated to Version 68.9.8 from Version 67.7.8. I was unaware earlier that it updated Automatically. No indication at all as an end user. I have noticed there are some minor changes, but not sure what was actually done in this version regarding bug fixes and product changes.
Overall, this updated version is working well for me at this time. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I do not use this Chrome Extension on Multiple computers and Cross-platform like many others do. So I am not experiencing any issues as reported by others in this forum.
Thank you,