Under review

EverSync - sync locked in firefox - stuck on Initializing

noraj 7 year бұрын updated by Steve Clancy 5 year бұрын 8

It's happening on my Firefox 57.0.2 on Manjaro. But it's not happening on another computer that has the same OS and browser.

Image 995

Has someone an idea ?

What info can I give you to help me?


I fear no but you can ask me all you need for troubleshooting.


Do you have many bookmarks and dials? Did you try to reinstall EverSync?


I have about 300 bookmarks, 0 dials. And yes I reinstalled EverSync two times.


The same for me. Maybe the problem coud be the corporate's proxy ?


Only corporate proxy causes the problem? Try another network.


Try to install the latest Firefox and EverSync version. Also try to install the latest FVD Speed Dial and check built-in eversync there.

Leave us your login, so we could check it on our server.


Firefox updated itself to Quantum. I uninstalled it and reinstalled  52.4.1 ESR. Now EverSync says "Locked" and will not update as described above. It worked perfectly before. And before you ask I do NOT want to update to the latest version of FireFox.