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Big issues on Palemoon
Hi, the web UI looks good to me, but I have big issues with EverSync on Palemoon 25.7. Palemoon is an efficient Firefox fork and is compatible with all Firefox <Australis add-ons I tried.
EverSync v6.6.3:
Options » Account tab is empty (other tabs are fine):
And with EverSync v6.0.1-1.signed:
Options » Account tab is back but the other tabs are not working they keep printing "Initialization". Like EverSync Button, so there's no way to initialize sync'in (can't choose the strategy for thatin ES tab n. 2)
Please do you suggest anything?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Same than Marco here https://fvdmedia.userecho.com/topic/908316-bug-setting-account/
Same issue on Firefox 18 ES-6.6.3: "Account" tab is empty.
Same issue on Palemoon (Firefox 25) with ES- and 6.1.0: Initialization...
My verdict is that this add-on is not compatible with Palemoon-stable nor with any older version of Firefox/forks, on contrary to the stated "Firefox 4+"
Ok, we will check.
Yes super ! That'll show EverHelper takes support seriously. Be sure II'll mention it on a paper I'm writing about Bookmarks Synchronizers.
Coming back; have you got some news on the Mozilla Firefox versions that EverSync supports please?
We are working. It is problem in PaleMoon :(
Please what does that mean? From my test issue with Eversync has been the same on Mozilla Firefox (older version) than on Palemoon (latest). And the add-on still says
« Firefox 4.0+ Compatible » :/