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the empty space between lines of the dils.

Юрий А. fa 11 anys updated by nimbusweb fa 11 anys 1

The size of dils not adapted to the size of the monitors. As a result, the empty space 


Auto refresh tabs, annoying new window toolbar showing.

Anatolii Slyvka fa 9 anys updated by nimbusweb fa 9 anys 8

I have 25+ tabs, and for some of them I need to have fresh screenshot every 10-20 min. So, every 10-20 min I start to see this "beautiful show" with screen capturing process... Is there a way to do it more useful?



Phil fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 9 anys 0
I am not, what I believe, my son calls "SearchFU" being less than optimal, finding a selection to perform 'deduplication' within any menu's toolbar and/or subsequent nested options.
Nor does entering the word deduplication.
All that shows up is a very old and closed "De-Dupliction".
Anyone, Please Advise, Thank You (ahead of time). :-)

Не загружает закладки с сервера

Elena Bogatyreva fa 8 anys 0

Не загружает закладки с сервера

Under review

Please let me choose language, I don't like simplified Chinese.

高逸凡 fa 9 anys updated by nimbusweb fa 9 anys 1
Let me choose language, please.
Under review

При открытии новой вкладки виснет на минуту

Podumat Tolko fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 9 anys 2

При открытии новой вкладки виснет на минуту или вообще не открывается спиддиал. При этом грузит процессор на 40-50%. Все переустанавливал, отключал все плагины - не помогает ничего...


Good +5

Good +5
Under review

App Panel issue

slywlf fa 9 anys updated by ssdaimin fa 5 anys 4
I see by other feedback and your reply that the you are having technical difficulties with the left side app bar. OK, I can live with that. My problem is that when I click on the option to open the app page it will not close again - the "ctrl+ space" option opens it just fine and I can go back and forth between the two pages of apps, but it will not close again. I have been working around this by opening a new tab when I need my usual speed dial links but it is only a work around - can this be fixed? I won't even care about the separate page for apps if I can just get back and forth easily. Thanks - love this app!

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