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Under review

import opera speed dials

davetak 3 years ago updated by nimbusweb 3 years ago 1
Under review

Импорт в Опера постоянно остаются непрочитанными некоторые закладки.

ironuser4u 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 14

Хотя клик на них открывает ссылку, но сами миниатюры выглядят как синий печальный смайлик с издевательской надписью: "Упс... Файл не найден". Такая история повторяется как при синхронизации через сервер, так и при импорте из текстового файла.

Under review

FVD window message [Firefox]

Rene 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2


I have the problem with Firefox v89.0.2 (64-bit) with FVD Speed Dial.

Often or less often, the following message comes up in Firefox right.

"Your Start... for new tabs has changed."

"The extension FVD Speed Dial changed the start page of new tabs."

Image 2533

I can unfortunately in the settings in Firefox under "Start...",

is Start... and new windows = "Firefox Start... (Standard)".

Image 2534

Unfortunately, i can not set FVD Speed Dial.

This is only possible with "new tabs".

I've already deleted the setting from Firefox with:


And then i just installed FVD Speed Dial again.
But then i can't change to "FVD Speed Dial".
Is always "Firefox Start..."

When starting Firefox always comes the FVD Dial Speed.

Image 2535

Image 2536



Under review

I've lost my most important collection of bookmarks !!!!!

Eli Goldberg 3 years ago updated by nimbusweb 3 years ago 1

I can't restore them, they are lostt !! What do I do :cry:

Under review

Can't Sync bookmarks toolbar between Firefox and Chrome

SemperFi89 3 years ago updated by nimbusweb 3 years ago 1

I backed up my bookmarks in firefox to server, then tried to restore to chrome.  It didn't do anything.  When I hit the "Sync" button it update chrome, but with old data.

Computer:Win 10 21H1

Firefox: 89.0.1 (64bit)

Chrome: 91.0.4472.114 (64bit)

Under review

Add function 'Save Pictures' to Clipper

Andrey Pilotov 3 years ago updated by nimbusweb 3 years ago 1


- Add function 'Save Pictures' to Clipper. It will be great to add this to the menu called by the right mouse click on the picture. Like in Evernote clipper.


Not adding a screen shot extension, do you guys care at all about browser security? wtf

th3Bird 3 years ago 0

issues with merge, upload and download tabs missing and bunch of other things Ill update after I do something else Im doing but need to upload a screenshot somehow, Im not install any extensions These are the only two I had god forbid any extensions, even so called security extensions are terrible for security

Under review

Refresh dial does not work in Opera

berufsalkoholiker2004 3 years ago updated by nimbusweb 3 years ago 2

Refreshing existing dials does not work in opera since several weeks.

Under review


Ironweed 3 years ago updated by nimbusweb 3 years ago 5

Не работает синхронизация с компом.
На Андроиде (как и на сайте) больше заметок, на компе, пустые папки.
Пробовал закачать полностью базу (старую удалил) результата 0.

Всего 4 клиента, 2 на андроде (4.2 и 6) с ними всё в порядке, 2 на Windows 8.1 с одним всё нормально, а вот второй никак не синронизируется. 

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