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the icons on my chrome shortcut bar keep re arranging... on autoupdate...

Jerry B 4 года назад обновлен nimbusweb 4 года назад 1
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Bookmarks deleted on Opera

amendola fr 4 года назад обновлен nimbusweb 4 года назад 1

I've installed EverSync extension also on Opera other than Chrome, but on Opera when I clicked on "Start Synchronization" my bookmarks on the cloud got deleted! Luckily I did previously a server backup that allowed me to restore my bookmarks, and now that I've done a manual sync selecting "Download" option and I think that the problem should be solved; it is possible that the problem was caused by the version of EverSync on the Opera AddOns Store being much older than the chrome version (version 6 vs version 19)?
Anyways kudos for this great add-on that is a life saver when working with multiple browsers on multiple devices! Regards

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The "How To Use" link in Options is broken and bring to a completely different page

amendola fr 4 года назад обновлен nimbusweb 4 года назад 3

The "How To Use" link in Options is broken and bring to a completely different page

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In everSync when I go in Options>Backups>Customizations the Customizations tab disappears

amendola fr 4 года назад обновлен nimbusweb 4 года назад 7

In everSync when I go in Options>Backups>Customizations the Customizations tab disappears

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how Eversync Android populate Firefox?

coyote 4 года назад обновлен nimbusweb 4 года назад 5

I've installed the Eversync Android app, and I see my bookmarks inside of it, and I've chosen "Sync" from it's menu, but Android Firefox remains empty of Bookmarks (I turned off Firefox's own Bookmark Sync).

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with Eversync should I turn FF and Chrome Syncs off?

coyote 4 года назад обновлен 4 года назад 2

I'm new to Eversync, and hesitant to turn off Chrome's Sync and Firefox's Sync. (Particularly because I've heard Eversync sometimes has issues.)

Is the risk of conflicts from not turning the browser syncs off worse than the risk Eversync itself has?

Oh, and is the later risk worse with the free version; I thought I'd try Eversync a bit before upgrading.

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login problem

liujiana 4 года назад обновлен nimbusweb 4 года назад 5

I use sync for a long time. but today when i try to login, I always got this window, not appear the login window.

this only happen in chrome, version V85.  Firefox is ok.

Image 2470


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can't add or edit any speeddials for past two months, since a week after set up

flyinby 4 года назад обновлен nimbusweb 4 года назад 4

worst time trying to find any help info, either ... after all that setup work, I have to abort 


now?  ughhhhhhh

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Allow folders to be created within the tabs to add "one more layer" of depth ans so prevent clutter of the main tabs. For instance: Health with sub tabs of: Nutrition - Recipees - Foods ets.

Ton 4 года назад обновлен nimbusweb 4 года назад 1
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Chrome 86.0.4240.198. The dials that are supposed to update periodically do not update randomly, "Ops, error getting title".

mcnro3 4 года назад обновлен 3 года назад 18

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