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Using Autosync, how do I know whether autosync is merging every time?

Jeff Titamer 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Gleb Khegay 6 jaar geleden 2

Using Autosync for SpeedDial and Bookmarks. How do I know which method of syncing autosync is using? Is it using the last selected option that was manually used or is it using merge as I would expect? This question applies to both Dials and Bookmarks. If it is using the last selected option this would explain some randomly lost dials that were recently added. I believe the the autosync should only use merge and should probably even be left on at all times on all machines. Then uploading should be used manually whenever you make changes such as the order in which dials appear and for after deleting dials and include a script to inform all other machines to substitute a one time automatic download to overwrite to reflect new changes because of the time it takes to get to other machines and download the automatic sync may have already merged and replaced deleted dials.


One of my FVD Groups causes my computer to freeze when I choose it. How can I fix this?

js 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Nasim Sadikov 6 jaar geleden 1
Under review

chromium 70

Fred Oah 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 6 jaar geleden 2

EverSync no longer works with Chromium Version 70.0.3533.0 (Official Build) (64 bits)

I have permanently the messages:

Incorrect username or password, Please, Sign In again.


An error occurred, please go to back to the login form.

My OS is Windows 10 64bits 1803 (17134.285) and CalculateLinux 17.2.2 64bits

access to the EverSync site is correct, I can connect to my account,

Speeddial and EverSync work very well on Firefox 62.0 (64bits),

On Chromium I deleted the cookies: the problem persists.

I have completely uninstalled Chromium and deleted the data folders (profiles, etc...): the problem persists.

With Chrome Version 69.0.3497.92 (Official Build) (64 bits) EverSync works.

What happens with Chromium 70?


I would like the new tab to open at the end of tabs rather than to the right of the SpeedDial tab

Dragon410 6 jaar geleden 0

I would like the new tab to open at the end of tabs rather than to the right of the SpeedDial tab. I like to have SD as my first tab but want tabs to open at the end of my tabs

Under review

После обновление сбилась сортировка

aleks65 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 6 jaar geleden 8

Только с 3 попытки загружаються дидлы


FVD has become very slow. Old versions were much better.

A&B 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Gleb Khegay 6 jaar geleden 1
Under review

Вечная синхронизация диалов

prohor 94 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door nimbusweb 6 jaar geleden 1

После переустановки Windows 10,(браузер Google Chrome), при попытке скачать диалы (заменить локальную информацию) происходит ошибка с вечной загрузкой диалов на этапе "Применить изменения"), напротив этапов "Группы" и "Диалы" стоят зеленые галочки, а вот сама процедура "Принять изменения" длится уже несколько часов. Замечу, что с синхронизацией закладок такой проблемы нет. Подскажите как исправить проблему? P.S. Антивирус на Пк ещё не установлен, если не считать "родного".

Under review

Conflict with Nimbus Note

eswnoo 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 6 jaar geleden 3

As long as Nimbus Note is logged in, the sync account will be changed to the same account of Nimbus Note and all the speed dials are removed as the Nimbus Note account is not used for sync and nothing is in it. Really annoy! 


Sync account changed

eswnoo 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Gleb Khegay 6 jaar geleden 3

I have two gmail accounts signed in. I registered one of them for sync speed dials,The app frequently switches to my another gmail account automatically and delete all speed dials because I never registered this gmail to your app so no dials were synced to that account. Why?

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