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FVD Speed Dial button

armanshah vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 7 Jahren 3

I moved the FVD Speed Dial button to the left corner and use it as my Home button instead of Firefox home button.

Image 854

But this icon/button doesn't work as it should and shows strange behavior.

When I click it, it should go to addon/browser homepage. But often it does nothing when I just click it (as it is a button with no function), and I have to click and hold for half a second to go to homepage. If I just short click it with left mouse button it will work and take me to homepage once per 5-6 clicks.

Sometimes a strange triangle appears there and does not go away until I click on the button again. I can't find anywhere what does it mean.

Image 855

How can I change the functionality of this button, or


Personnalisation des groupes de vignettes

alain gudefin vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von Gleb Khegay vor 6 Jahren 2

Bonjour,Extension indispensable et formidable.Il serait intéressant de pouvoir personnaliser la couleur, le fond et la police des groupes de vignettes (comme dans l'ancien speed dial)

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После обновы стало просто невыносимо пользоваться этим дополнением, криворукие разрабы верните все обратно.

Зураб vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert vor 7 Jahren 4

После обновы стало просто невыносимо пользоваться этим дополнением, криворукие разрабы верните все обратно. Грузит страницу долго, постоянно вылетает, короче сделали из конфетки ГАВНО, а не на оборот. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

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FVD 62.2.7 Thumbnails

Spawn vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 7 Jahren 1

In latest FVD 62.2.7 Thumbnails are not created..
Seems that the import set the tumbnails to be costum and not auto.
Is there a fix for this?


Pause / Resume Auto Update

Daniel T. vor 7 Jahren 0

FVD Speed Dial for Firefox updated version grabs focus during Auto Update of dials. A suggestion to add a Pause/Resume Auto Update. This would allow to pause all dial updating when doing other tasks like organizing Firefox bookmarks, etc.

Optional: Add ability to select a time to pause and then resume automatically after time expires.


quantum firefox?

Pablo Kloster vor 7 Jahren 0
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Address bar icon does not work

webmaster vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 7 Jahren 1
You updated the FVD app and it now works for me, however, in the address bar there is an icon which you used to click and it created a dial for the veiwed page, the icon is there but it no longer works, any chance we can have this back please.
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hey I loose my configuration after your last update, I can't believe that

Jean Baptiste vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 7 Jahren 1

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