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Sorry. I'm not giving anyone remote access to my computer. worst case, I'll reset Chrome, and start with a fresh browser

i have this same problem. synch works fine on one computer, and gives this error on another. both have the same OS, browser and addon version

Windows 10 pro (64-bits)

Google Chrome - 64.0.3282.186

Addon version - 16.2.1

Dials on my desktop are current, because i use it all the time. The dials on my laptop are out of date. I get this error on my laptop any time I try to retrieve the updated dials from my account, even though the extension is installed.

Thanks for the advice, and super fast reply. i'll just stick with Google sync for my bookmarks then.

I've had this problem for a while, and didn't even realize it, until I went to my account online, and saw over 4,000 bookmarks! I've managed to get it down to 5. but it keeps replicating, and now I'm over 20, and it's still going up. Syncing is between 2 devices, and one of them has 3 versions of Windows, each with Chrome.

This problem is happening with as little as 2 devices that are constantly active.