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bookmark sync on chrome endlessly replicates all bookmarks

Jason College 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

From what I can tell, this has been a bug in the Chrome, and Firefox versions of Eversync for some years now. If I turn on automatic sync of bookmarks (sync every 30 minutes) after a little time, I end up with duplicates of ALL my bookmarks on all my devices. Last time I caught this a few months ago, I found that it duplicated them horribly bad to the point I had over 4000 bookmarks, and now I have the same issue again.

The only workaround I've found is to disable automatic sync of bookmarks, and manually sync my bookmarks by overwriting the server bookmarks on one device, then overwriting device bookmarks on my other device. THIS IS A PAIN!!

Until I have confirmation that this issue is fixed, I will just sync my bookmarks via my google account in chrome.

Under review


It is problem in Google Sync. Please try to disable Google Sync for bookmarks for avoid this problem.

Thanks for the advice, and super fast reply. i'll just stick with Google sync for my bookmarks then.