
EverSync Chrome extension logout

alex_fatack 7 year бұрын updated by Gleb Khegay 7 year бұрын 5

Every time I open chrome the I have to log in because the Eversync chrome extension logout every time I close Chrome this is the version of Chrome: Versión 66.0.3359.117 (Build oficial) (64 bits), hope you can fix this problem as soon as possible I haver Firefox and it works great.


Hello! We've set this task to our dev team. You can help us by doing the following: next update you open Chrome and see that you're not authorized in EverSync, open http://everhelper.me/client and check there if you're logged in or not.

Ok, I already did that, but it shows me as logged out every time I close chrome and open it again.

Does it only show that you're logged out or you are really logged out? Try to do the following; next time you open eversync and see that you're logged out, refresh page (F5) and take a look, if you are automatically authorized or not.

Im, really logged out, Im not authorized, I uninstall and install again both chrome and the extension and still the same problem.

Do you use any cleaners? Add Chrome to exceptions. 

Also check cookies settings.

We can try team viewer session.