EverySync IE: installation error
Cannot install in IE from the "For IE" on page https://www.everhelper.me/synchronizer.php
Please see attached error log:
Customer support service by UserEcho
Cannot install in IE from the "For IE" on page https://www.everhelper.me/synchronizer.php
Please see attached error log:
Customer support service by UserEcho
Any assistance with this installation?
Does it work for anyone?
What OS version do you use?
Windows 10
We found out what was the problem and will update the program soon.
Thank you for your report!
I had the same/similar problem with install for IE-11 on Windows 10, and have attached my error log file.
I just tried installing IE again and it worked.
Now there is a sync error and I clicked YES to send info to developers.
Jim, we've updated EverSync for IE. Try again new version.
c600g, what happens when you do Sync?
Could you make video or screenshots for us?
Could you please, check your account in Chrome or Firefox EverSync addons ?
Chrome and FF work well.
For IE, I choose "overwrite local" for first time. It starts syncing, makes a little progress, then errors:
I click Yes each time, so you have the info.
We need some log file to find out where is the problem. Can we try team viewer session?
Also give us your account, so we could check your bookmarks on our server for errors.
Yes, let me know when to do TV session. I'd rather not post my email address here, please tell me where to email my info to you.
I am getting the same error when I try and "overwrite local". It results in an incomplete set of favorites.
Does it work when you try to Merge or Upload?
We need your account info and team viewer session to find out where is the problem.
I can do a team viewer session. How do we proceed? I am in US west coast time zone.
I don't want to merge or upload because I am afraid of messing up the online storage of my bookmarks. I learned this the hard way with Xmarks. After backing up my Favorite folder, I deleted all my bookmarks and tried to download from Eversync, but still had the same problem.
Dear users, please try again your sync. And if you have Error message, click Yes to send us report. We've fixed some things on server. Let's try it again.
Just sent report.
What is the new version number of the sync app ? I don't think it is updating.
We didn't update the app yet. Changes were made on server.
Could you tell us, do you use Admin windows account or guest windows account?
Any further help or progress?
We've updated EverSync. Reinstall and try again: https://www.everhelper.me/synchronizer.php
It auto-detected the update, I installed it, and the "download sync" worked. Thank you!
I am trying to install eversync extension in internet explorer from this site: https://www.everhelper.me/synchronizer.php. I use Wwindows 7 OS. The installation starts and just before it finishes, the following window appears:
When i click on "Details" button, the following error log appears: Eversync extension installation error log.
I tried to install it many times, but the same thing happens every time.
Could you please help me fix this problem?
Thanks in advance!
With regards!
I have the same issue and I cannot install on IE 11:
"EverSyncIE.exe.config, has a different computed hash than specified in manifest."
Is there any solution? :)
I've have the same issue trying to install Eversync windows10, IE11.
Do you have any idea, why the validation fails.
Kind regards,