I'm happy if the manage groups move with the mouse wheel button.

Yasuo Mitsui fa 7 anys updated by Gleb Khegay fa 7 anys 3

I'm happy if the manage groups move with the mouse wheel button.

Hello! What exactly do you mean by "move with mouse wheel button"?

You mean click and drag with mouse wheel button? it works now.

Or scrolling in Group Manager? It also works.

I am making many manage groups.
I think that the move groups of the mouse should move with the mouse wheel button.
I would like to move side by side with the mouse wheel button instead of mouse left click.

Top left   |_*_| |__| |__|---> |__| |_*_| |__| ---> |__| |__| |_*_|

We will take your report to our discussion. Thank you!