User unfriendly features!
The former Speed Dial was much more user friendly than the new one
- drag and drop easier between tabs,
- URL of each favorite was displayed, that could be renamed according user's choice,
- settings of rows and columns was user's choice,
- could "add to SD" in user's selected Tab, not in the 'popular' tab, from were it has to be transfered to the needed one (real waste of time!)? BTW, why adding this new "popular" tab ? When deleting a favorite in it, it disappears from another tab where it has been copied to....
Probably other negative points to add, but I'm fed up with losing time with this 'new speed dial'......
Hopefully will Josip del Rio soon issue a version that fits to Quantum, so tho forget the present piece of.......
Customer support service by UserEcho
Don't see the real reason of you complaint. The new speed dial was changed due to Firefox decision to change the engine. - Drag and drop actually works between groups.
- URL of each dial is displayed
- You still can change the number of columns
- Nothing adds directly to Popular tab. New dials are being added to the Default group or the last selected group
Thanks for the quick answer. Sorry for having sound a bit 'harsh' in my previous message; put the blame on my disappointment caused by the disappearing of the 'old' speed dial.....
Some of the critical points could be solved (e.g. hiding the 'popular' tab, saving favorites directly into a selected tab (though it has to be selected beforehand...), some other are still present:
- No possibility of selecting a needed quantity of both columns AND lines, some of them being even temporarily empty; only columns OR lines is available for a user choice....
- No possibility of direct import of an 'old' .speedial backup file. The use of .html export on another computer, followed by a transfer of the saved file, then opening one by one every favorite, and finally saving it with your speed dial feature is a very long time consuming process.....
- No URL or title are displayed, in spite of being selected in the global option of the parameters (all select boxes checked in the Global Options / Appearance tab (see attached screenprints)
- Number of columns can be selected in Speed dial context menu:
- You can import old speed dial database in Sync -> Backup settings:
- I've notice that you use white background. And the color of Title and URLs of dials are also WHITE :) You should change background color or color of text in settings:
As you see, there is a Backup/Restore link in all settings tabs, so you can easily restore you database or backup it.
Friend, let me show you, that everything you need, works fine at my PC:
I hope I understood your demands in correct way.
Hi Gleb,
Thanks to your advices, I could solve most of the issues..... Remains only the one about the backup from the 'alternative' Speed Dial made by Josip Del Rio (with .speeddial extension); I had already noticed your backup/restore option, but it works only with .sd files from FVD SD...
Anyway, don't worry about it anymore, I am going to take the opportunity of this FF extension,renewal to sort and renew all my favorites, using the HTML export option of my previous altenative Speeddial, transfer it to my main computer and then simply 'right clic' on every link that I intend to keep, which gives me then the choice of the destination tab in FVD SD. Once all done, I'll backup them with FVD SD relevant option.
As a conclusion of this 'case', and in order to avoid other people being confused by the (apparently) absence of URL & Titles, may I suggest you modify the default setting of the BG color in the Parameter/BG options tab from FFFFFF to 737373, so to have it greyed on startup. Not any 'basic' user can guess that FFFFFF means 'White', leading to unability to read a white text.... This should save you from other confused people adressing angrily your Q&A dept.....lol
Again, vielen Dank für die schnelle und nette Hilfe.
Romain G