The new update 62.4.8 has a bug where it opens multiple backgroud tabs. it affects both firefox and opera browser
The new update 62.4.8 has a bug where it opens multiple backgroud tabs. it affects both firefox and opera browser. This is how it happens. You open firefox and after a few minutes multiple backgroud tabs are open by speed dial. If u disable speed dial and restart the browser ( firefox or opera) the issue is no longer there. so i am very certain its the new update as this was not happening before
Customer support service by UserEcho
I can second this bug with the latest Firefox version 56.0 (64-bit), and FVD Speed Dial 62.4.8.
It's background updating of dials pictures. You can disable it in Settings
That seems to have fixed it so far.. I will keep an eye on it and send an update if it changes. Thanks
It seems to have fixed the issue on firefox but the above solution does not work on Opera browser. Any idea on how to fix that?
It's not a bug actually. It's how WebExt version of Speed Dial. As Chrome user I got used to it. Now Firefox is going to support only WebExt versions of addons. Opera works on the same technology.
Yea it might not be a but but it is distracting and not an acceptable solution. It takes away your mouse coursor while u are typing and opens multiple windows in the background which is very annoying. Surely there must be some sort of fix.
I tried to do the same in opera. And focus there is still in my main window, while background updating is going.
Not for me. The soultion u gave above of turning off auto updates works on firefox and there is no background updating going on..Why does it not work same way on opera?
have no idea. I tried to turn off auto update of dials in Opera. And it works. Take a look at dials that are refreshing. Right click on them and check if Autoupdate is turned on or off.
If it's turned on, try turn off auto update in settings and check dials again. if they are still auto refresing, try to turn off auto update in dial directly and see what happens
What is you OS?
Windows 10 Pro 64bits
I think it works well now..there where some tabs that required passwords so it kept refreshing them. I will update u if anything changes but for now like 2mins it has not auto updated anything in the background yet.
It's good :)