Under review

Now that Microsoft Edge suports extensions, are you gonna make FVD Speed Dial for Edje?

maze07 8 ár síðan updated by Jacob Miles 6 ár síðan 5

I want to change from using Mozilla Firefox to Microsoft's Edge, and the only reason why I haven't change yet, is that FVD Speed Dial is not available to this browser. Is there any chance that FVD Speed Dial, will be available for Edge?

Under review

They officially didn't open their store to developers.

Such a shame! I guess we just have to wait. Thank you!

Yes, you need to wait. Once they open it for all developers, we will start working on Edge version ASAP

Please let us know if you notice that earlier than we do :)

Thank you.


Pls! Make this application for the Microsoft Edge browser! Edge is one of the best and fastest, and I wish to keep only in it. With your speed dial solution, it's going to be perfect.

I'm testing out the new Chromium based Edge browser and would love to see this ported over.
