
Search box should have options

Данил Александрович il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Asraff Surname il y a 9 ans 15

Settings of FVD should have options to customize the search box of FVD. It should contain option to disable the box, change it position, style and search system.



currently there is option to disable it completely in settings.


Oops)) Thank you) 2 more options to go)

So the answer to the original question of 'please provide options' is 'it is what it is, if you don't like it ,turn it off'?  Is there any plan to implement his request?  I'd like to see other search engines to select from.
Settings of fvd should options search system
When you are saying 'Search System' - do you mean searching Tab groups - ie you cannot remember which group you placed a 'tab'.  This would be a very good improvement. Assuming that, I will vote for this.

Yes having options to search, sort/ order dials is ESSENTIAL for serious use why doesn't this already exist?
Hello please can we be friends contact me here lindatoure@hotmail.com i have something very important to tall you thenks
U can change Finder(google for example):

C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\llaficoajjainaijghjlofdfmbjpebpa\6.6.1_0\js\newtab

1) "llaficoajjainaijghjlofdfmbjpebpa" - "ID" Speed Dial [FVD]. U can see ID here - chrome://extensions/
2) "6.6.1_0" - Speed Dial [FVD] VERSION
3) "USER" - ur username =P

Search in folder "newtab" file speeddial_misc.js
And change line:
var url = "http://fvdmedia.com/addon_search/?q="+encodeURICom... document.getElementById("q").value )+"&from=chrome_fvdsd"

var url = "https://www.google.com/#q="+encodeURIComponent( document.getElementById("q").value )+""

Also. If u want to see"Search on Google.com" instead "Search on Yandex.com":

u need to open folder
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\llaficoajjainaijghjlofdfmbjpebpa\6.6.1_0\_locales\ru
1) "llaficoajjainaijghjlofdfmbjpebpa" - "ID" Speed Dial [FVD]. U can see ID here - chrome://extensions/
2) "6.6.1_0" - Speed Dial [FVD] VERSION
3) "USER" - ur username =P
4) "ru" - ur location.
Change file "messages.json" - search and replace lines:
"newtab_search_on_yandex": {
"message": "Search on Yandex"


"newtab_search_on_yandex": {
"message": "Search on Google"