
Please Bring sync back I missed my bookmarks of EverHelper - Cloud Tab Sync I want it back then do what ever u want!!! It was very helpful for me

Mostafa20xx 12 years ago updated by nimbusweb 12 years ago 7

Please Bring sync back I missed my bookmarks of EverHelper - Cloud Tab Sync
I want it back then do what ever u want!!!
It was very helpful for me


Hi. I believe that already responded on Mozilla. 

It will be updated soon and you will be able to sync between FF and Chrome.

Soon mobile app will come up to.

Sorry but I meant that I want to get my bookmarks back!

will it be available after the update or it's gone?

EverHelper - Cloud Tab Sync

i was had some of my bookmarks then it stopped working and i couldn't retrieve them back its failed to connect to the server

No i am talking about EverHelper - Cloud Tab Synchronizer

It will be updated soon. Version for Chrome is already available. 

Old Firefox version was discontinued. New one will be much better and has more features.