Password for each group
A password for each group is very useful for me so i can make my webs different from someone else.
I hope it would make sence
I hope it would make sence

Ben H 11 years ago
I agree as long as a master password can be used as well. Here's one idea: When locking groups, have radio buttons (checkboxes) for each group, as well as a button to select/deselect all.

JaiGuru 11 years ago
Funny, I just posted this very suggestion. As far as master passwords are considered, I'd want it to be something that doesn't prompt me. For instance, if I elect to have the "Popular" group open to the public, and the "Work" group protected, I don't want to be hassled to enter a password just because I clicked newtab/home/whatever you've set to open speed dial. I only want to be prompted for a password when I click a protected group.
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