
Please add the ability to change search engine

Роман Муфтахутдинов 11 years ago updated by xian555 7 years ago 4

Please add the ability to change search engine


Please add the ability to change search engine, untill then, I will uninstall app. I do not like YAHOO, SORRY :(


My antivirus sees the default search, http://yoursearch.me as unsafe and will not allow it!


ME TOO!  I don't use search engines that track me.  DuckDuckGo is my preference.  Will never use Yahoo or Google.  Give me an option to change it!

The fact that Nimbus Web inc. in its Speed Dial app shows "Google" on its home page as the active search engine and in fact Yahoo is actually used qualifies this app as a Malware subcategory allowing use of user info, searches, for commercial needs, by a company chosen by Niumbus Web, and not the user.  This cannot be a bug and is reported several times by multiple users in this forum in different ways, without correction by Nimbus, or indication that they will correct it.

This is a breach of trust by Nimbus Web with its user base.  This is a nice product, but there is enough abuse by companies with user information on the internet to add to it.

Nimbus Web needs to reply CLEARLY as to the correction of this inappropriate programming of their app.

This post will be placed on other blogs if an answer is not produced or this comment not replied to by Nimbus Web, or this comment erased.

I do hope that Nimbus Web will react positively, proactively and correct the situation as I would like to use this nice app.  If corrected I would likely say very nice app.

