Under review
All speed dials gone?
10/10/2022, All speed dials disappeared with browser update & I can no longer access my restores.
3 years of dials gone & no access to my restores unless I pay..
It's about time someone wrote an alternative to FVD speed dial, seem like predatory marketing has taken hold.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Could you tell me version of browser? What do you see instead dials?
Hi, thanks for fast response.
I have supplied a screen shot, all pages appear exactly as this.
I use Brave
Version 1.44.108
Chromium: 106.0.5249.103 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Do you use our sync feature. Did you try to reinstall extension?
Both, with no result.
Is the synchronization successful? Do the dials appear after synchronization?
Prior to sync I had the right number of dials per SD tab, after sync every SD tab had 7 dials as shown above.
Badly. Do you use only this account - spu*@gmail.com ?
Yes I use only that account..
I've lost my all Speed Dial today. Bookmarks are correct, but I haven't any SP item in EverSync.:(
I can see, that this problem didn't touch me only. :(
I couldn't upload my Speed Dials to Eversync. I suppose, that this unsuccesful uploading deleted the SP items on the server.
(I use Vivaldi with FVD Speed Dial and Eversync.I reinstalled Eversync. I could upload some times the reinserted speed dials, but after some uploads received this popup, and in Everhelper.me disappeared all my SD.)
I use ESET Endpoint Antivirus
I do not use a 3rd party AV.
I've tried. If I got an unsuccessful upload, it deletes the server items, too.
And the next auto synchronizing deletes the items in the browser. (I suppose)
Could you try to sync now again?
This asking was for SpudGM?
We made some changes in sync. Could you recheck?
For me now works the Upload and Download correctly.
Oops! I've found an "accidental" Local Backups from august. So I could rebuild my Speed Dial almost perfectly. :D
Nothing, same as first reported. There are server backups from 2018 but can't access them as they are pro only.
I found the previously mentioned "local backup" on an other browser, that had the Eversync extension, too.
This means, that the "Local backups" exist in the browser instances?
I set your acc as Pro. Could you check online backups?
I did backup onto the server. It worked fine! I created a new server backup. (Although
seemingly "Restore" didn't anything. What should do the "Restore" button?)
EDIT: I can see: The "Restore" button rebuild the folders and items on the server (in the EverHelper), where I can download those again from.
Concl: Server backup and restore work fine for SD and Bookmarks!
Thanks, it's still saying I need to purchase Pro acc.
There are server backups from last year that will no doubt restore 95% of what I've lost but they are still behind the Pro wall.
Could you recheck?
Rechecked & triple rechecked.. logged in & out several times. Acc now says PREM but no restoration of dials..
Frustrating but I really appreciate the effort, thanks guys.