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HELP!!!!!!! Firefox suppressed SPEED DIAL extension / November 2021
All is in in the subject.
My bookmarks disappeared completely : Firefox deleted the extension "FVD SPEED DIAL" (Everhelper Nimbus Web) for "security reasons" or "stability problems" ... suddenly... after so many years of use !
So my question now is "how can I get my bookmarked pages back" ?????
My firefox version is 94.0.2 (64 bits)
Customer support service by UserEcho
Me too - they didn't give any warning and just dumped the addon. It still works in Chrome (but for how much longer). Browser hijacking isn't being looked upon fondly by the developers.
it already happened in the past and after a few days SPEED DIALworked back again. Let's hope it's just a question of days....
I have the same issue !!! im so pissed of with firefox changing things all the time, after this im disabling auto-updates, and start looking for a new browser
i need my dials ASAP
"i need my dials ASAP"
so do I !!!!!
did the trick for me. It disables addons blacklist.that fixed it
found it just recently on reddit
indeed works !!!!
thank you for this
We ourselves are surprised and are solving this problem with the Mozilla team. We haven't seen any warnings, and most likely the Mozilla team doesn't like the competition.
For now, you can use our second app - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/live-start-page-lst/
Live Start Page - Speed Dial. Thank you. Is there a way to import FVD Speed Dial to Live Start Page?
Добрый день, а можно как-то вернуть дипы или перетащить их в другой браузер? спасибо
Good afternoon, is it possible to somehow return the dips or drag them to another browser? thanks
We are checking problem with Mozilla team.
Please use temporary fix -
1) Enter about:config to Url bar.
2) Enter extensions.blocklist.enabled
3) Change to False
Thank you very much. Everything works.
Please use temporary fix -
1) Enter about:config to Url bar.
2) Enter extensions.blocklist.enabled
3) Change to False
so far it works Ladies and Gents.....i hope you can fix the problems in the future....
FVD Speed Dial is the best on the Planet
Hello. Where can I download the Speed Dial [FVD] extension?
When Mozilla blocked extension today, I accidentally deleted it. Now it is impossible to download on the Mozilla's page.
try this as posted by support......
That "solution" sounds like a terrible idea for security purposes.
Any UPDATES to solve this problem with Mozilla Team?
No, we are waiting answer from Mozilla team.
"No, we are waiting answer from Mozilla team."
it's been two weeks now taht the problem occured, is there a solution other than this risky workaround ?
Did you try this solution - https://team-nimbusweb-co.nimbusweb.me/s/share/6332186/ivvhizccop6ut45z89lq ?
of course I did - it worked
but this is a dangenrous workaround, not a safe solution !!
They know the problem,they've been passing our searches to a 3rd party apparently,again.
They have released a new version that does indeed pass the extensions security.
Whether or not its back on mozilla amo yet?
It installed fine for me but as a new extension,bookmarks were all there but no dials.
wouldn't be hard to fix/import etc
but how safe is that version?