Under review

Eversync/FVD reject address with "[" or "]" characters

dmm 4 years ago updated by nimbusweb 4 years ago 7

I have this address in my bookmark, but everSync cannot save it


it seems "[]" characters are causing the issue 

Under review


Do you see sync error?

When I lauched sync on my web browser (chrome / windows 10)  , I had no sync error message.

On this browser , URL in bookmark is correct ( including "[]" characteres)

But , on my other web browsers (chrome and firefox / windows 10 ) , URL is not copied correctly . .

I have "https://www.incorrecturl.com/" as URL in bookmark

and again, no error message.


Ok, we will check it. Thanks

Hello, I'm having the same error. EverHelper shows the url correctly but when it's synced to other browsers the bookmarks are all in http://incorrecturl/


Our developers are still checking the problem. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Is this bug fixed? I'm having same issue now.


No, as long as the problem is in the queue of other tasks. We will try to solve it.