Under review

Firefox crashing FVD Speed Dial

A_n_g_e_l_a 5 years ago updated by nimbusweb 5 years ago 3

The speed dial add-on to the latest Firefox on linux crashes occasionally when closing a tab. Opening a new tab will not restore FVD Speed Dial. A restart of Firefox is required. Fully expect this to be a Firefox problem

Under review


Does the problem appear only when the tab is closed? Does the problem repeat itself under other conditions?


Yes. On closing a tab after I've closed tabs previously Firefox crashes. It is repeatable to the extent it happens every session of browsing but I'm not sure when it's going to happen. It appears random but may well be a certain number of previous tab closed events need to have happened. I'll try and keep tabs on it. (Sorry couldn't resist!)


Thank you. We will check too.