Under review
how to set FVD as firefox homepage
Can not set FVD as firefox's home page. How is this done. This really is a deal-breaker...
Customer support service by UserEcho
What do you see instead FVD Speed Dial?
not sure what the question has to do with my question. What i see is whatever homepage I select....except FVD.
Could we try https://anydesk.com/ ?
Your not serious! NO!
This kind of response makes me want to remove the plug-in.
I believe there used to be an option in "settings" to add as homepage, but there is not that option anymore....or I have not found it.
FVD Speed Dial should automatically open in a new tab and no settings are needed for this. If you do not see the FVD Speed Dial in the new tab, this means that there may be a conflict. Therefore, we need anydesk to check this.
I think we are not on the same page here. FVD Speed Dial does open when I create a new tab. My issue is that it does not open as the default tab when I open the browser (firefox). It also does not open when I press HOME in the browser. n option to do this was in a previous version,but not in this version...
Strange. We can't repeat this problem (
Could you send screenshot of this page - about:preferences#home ?
Same result on three computers...
Did you try to change it - https://nimb.ws/Edh4z0 ?
the link provided certainly did not help. below is a screen shot of the results.
Yes, you need to change Custom url.
Change the "custom code" to what??????? as https://nimb.ws/Edh4z0 only creates the image posted above.
I'll get you the 'code' when home from work
Just use firefox default NOT custom.
I also posted the code but its gone?
Will post it again when home.
Thanks, I appreciate something that would work!
fresh install here on portable FF71,install FVD and did nothing.
soon as FF starts it goes to FVD dials page.
but if that don't work try this
You can click and drag the Extension Dial Box to the left and when it is over the Home Icon in the top of your browser toolbar release it and a pop up box will appear asking if you want to set this as your homepage. Click yes and now your FVD Speed Dial will now open every time you reload or click the Home Icon.