Under review

I need to restore my backup but it don't work

albasacco 6 year бұрын жаңартылды 6 year бұрын 7

Hi, I have a Pro account and after the last Mozilla update I don't see all my cards anymore.
I tried to restore a 1 month backup (4 groups and 99 items) but I don't see them.
Where am I wrong?
What should I do?
Thank you

Under review


Do you see your dials hered - https://everhelper.me/client/ ?

Ok, i Opened it and i see my favorites.

Now, waht i need to do?

You need to open sync tab and press on the Download.

I don't find the comand ...

can you hel me step by step starting from the page above?

Sorry, I find it.

Now it's all ok!