Manage Group Menu Screen Displays the Groups in random order, but does not show a Sort Option

Ponderosa fa 6 anys actualitzat fa 6 anys 0

Hi Nimbus Web,

Request 1:  

Add Sort Feature Text to Manage Group Menu 


The Mange Group Menu needs a Sorting Text Reference Added to the "Manage Group Menu screen" stating that a Sort Feature is available and how it works.  I found the Sort feature accidentally when attempting to find a way to rearrange the Groups, how they are displayed on the main Speed Dial page.

I finally determined that you can Drag and Drop the Groups and rearrange them to your liking.  I am glad that I found it.

Also, the Menu Group Menu Screen only has two available options.  You can Edit the Name of each Group or Delete the Group.

Request 2:

Add Full Edit Feature just like the Create Group Name menu screen.


When RIght-Clicking on the Group Name which is displayed on the Speed Dial page a menu appears.  One of the options is to Edit the Group.  The only Edit that can be made on this screen is to rename the Group.  I noticed when creating a New Group Name there is also a place to change the Position of the Group name as to where it appears on the Top or Bottom.

I would believe this was meant to be added to ALL Group Edit Menus screens when editing the Group names.

I am using Chrome Version 70.0.3538.77 (Official Build) (64-bit) on my MacBook Pro running High Sierra version 10.13.6

Sorry for the long Request text, it is not always easy to put it into words.

Thank you,
