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Yarid il y a 6 ans mis à jour par Gleb Khegay il y a 5 ans 7


I have problem when sync this bookmarklets in Firefox

The code changes in http://incorrecturl/

Reveal Password

javascript:(function(){var IN,F;IN=document.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var i=0;i<IN.length;i++){F=IN[i];if(F.type.toLowerCase()=='password'){try{F.type='text'}catch(r){var n,Fa;n=document.createElement('input');Fa=F.attributes;for(var ii=0;ii<Fa.length;ii++){var k,knn,knv;k=Fa[ii];knn=k.nodeName;knv=k.nodeValue;if(knn.toLowerCase()!='type'){if(knn!='height'&&knn!='width'&!!knv)n[knn]=knv}};F.parentNode.replaceChild(n,F)}}}})()

List all Images!

javascript:Ai7Mg6P='';for (i7M1bQz=0;i7M1bQz<document.images.length;i7M1bQz++){Ai7Mg6P+='<img src='+document.images[i7M1bQz].src+'><br>'};if(Ai7Mg6P!=''){document.write('<center>'+Ai7Mg6P+'</center>');void(document.close())}else{alert('Sorry! I found no images on this page.')}


javascript:var gtc = '#000000';%20var%20glc%20=%20new%20Array('#ffff66','#a0ffff','#99ff99','#ff9999','#ff66ff');%20function%20init_google(){%20var%20pat%20=%20/google\./i;%20if%20(pat.exec(document.referrer)%20!=%20null){%20var%20u_p%20=%20document.referrer.split('?');%20if%20(u_p[1]){%20var%20u_a%20=%20u_p[1].split('&';;%20for(var%20i=0;%20i<u_a.length;%20i++){%20var%20kv%20=%20u_a[i].split('=');%20if%20(kv[0]%20==%20'q'){%20g_g(d_u(kv[1]));%20return;%20}%20}%20}%20}%20}%20function%20d_u(url){%20return%20unescape(url.replace(/\+/g,'%20'));%20}%20function%20g_g(te){%20te%20=%20te.replace(/\"/g,"");%20var%20t_s%20=%20te.split('%20');%20var%20c%20=%200;%20for(var%20i=0;%20i<t_s.length;%20i++){%20h_g(t_s[i],%20document.body,glc[c]);%20c%20=%20(c%20==%20glc.length-1)?0:c+1;%20}%20}%20function%20h_g(te,%20container,%20color){%20var%20t_l%20=%20te.toLowerCase();%20for(var%20i=0;%20i<container.childNodes.length;%20i++){%20var%20node%20=%20container.childNodes[i];%20if%20(node.nodeType%20==%203){;%20var%20d_l%20=%20data.toLowerCase();%20if%20(d_l.indexOf(t_l)%20!=%20-1){%20var%20n_n%20=%20document.createElement('span');%20node.parentNode.replaceChild(n_n,node);%20var%20res;%20while((res%20=%20d_l.indexOf(t_l))%20!=%20-1){%20n_n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data.substr(0,res)));%20n_n.appendChild(c_n_g(document.createTextNode(data.substr(res,te.length)),color));%20data%20=%20data.substr(res%20+%20te.length);%20d_l%20=%20d_l.substr(res%20+%20te.length);%20}%20n_n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data));%20}%20}else{%20h_g(te,%20node,%20color);%20}%20}%20}%20function%20c_n_g(child,%20color){%20var%20node%20=%20document.createElement('span');;;%20node.appendChild(child);%20return%20node;%20};init_google();





Titulo del Dial

jonafexx il y a 6 ans mis à jour par Denis Pak il y a 6 ans 2

Podrían dar la opción de mostrar el titulo del dial, muchas veces repito el link, por ejemplo, youtube, si tengo varios con la misma imagen no se cual es cual, pero con títulos distintos podría distinguirlos mas fácil.



четкий плагин !

Afrador il y a 6 ans 0

четкий плагин,молодцы разработчики,так держать,ЧЕТКО.


100% cpu when idling

Nick Brooker il y a 6 ans mis à jour par Gleb Khegay il y a 6 ans 3

A task in Chrome Subframe: use 95 to 100% continuously.  


Eversync stopped synchronizing in Chromium (LInux), either manually or automatically

Roland il y a 6 ans mis à jour il y a 6 ans 3

Eversync  extension stopped synchronizing in Chromium (LInux), either manually or automatically. The only way to sync is via the website.


The line before the adressbar is the name from FVD extensions by Firefox is to long

mail il y a 6 ans mis à jour par Gleb Khegay il y a 6 ans 2

to long description by Firefox FVD

À l'étude

set passwords for groups!

(╭☞ ͡°ᴥ ͡°)╭☞ il y a 6 ans mis à jour par nimbusweb il y a 6 ans 4



speeddial set as FF homepage, but it doesn't open until I click to open a new tab.

Neil il y a 6 ans mis à jour par JacobR il y a 6 ans 3

FF 58.0.2 64 bit with FVD Speeddial set as my home page but when I launch FF speeddial doesn't open until I open a new tab.

Can this be fixed?


À l'étude

Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read property 'need' of undefined Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'duration' in undefined Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was rece

rengak il y a 6 ans mis à jour par nimbusweb il y a 6 ans 1

Version 66.0.3343.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit)

Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read property 'need' of undefined

Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'duration' in undefined

Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.

load builder

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check

Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read property 'getADToShow' of undefined

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