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Thumbnails are showing up as black in FVD Speed Dial

Eros 4 aastat tagasi 0

Image 2372


I'm using Chrome v81 on Windows 10 1909

instead of getting a thumbnail image, I get a black screen.

Is there a way to fix it, please?



genemiller64 4 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 1

ive lost about 33% of my dials and cant seem to find them, Its been completely re-arranged. Can you please help me retrieve my last channel set up?I look forward to speaking with you


Extension not working with kiwi

godwinsol 4 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 3

Kiwi on android is lacking bookmarks sync, but supports extensions. I can install eversync, but for some reason downloading the bookmarks does nothing. Would you consider make the extension work with kiwi ? Would be great. Thanks 


пропали превью всех дилов

Vadim3347 4 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 1

Let me add more colums per row. Is there a way to specifiy a number?

Bunni 4 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 1

Не могу поменять фон ...раньше проблем не было..

andiben2 4 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 1

Перестал меняться фон...только белый..как исправить?      2020-04-11_084922.jpg    


add option to disable animation of loading speed dial. I want it as fast as possible ;)

mhandze 4 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 1

add option to disable animation of loading speed dial. I want it as fast as possible ;)


wouldn't it be cool to hide special groups?

allesindgemein 4 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 1

it would be nice if it would be possible to hide single groups and let others visible. afaik it's only possible to hide all speed dials, isn't it?


The preview images in the new Firefox are gone.

ijontichy 4 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 1

The preview images in the new Firefox are gone.


Restoring links leads to complete rereading of all links

allesindgemein 4 aastat tagasi uuendatud 4 aastat tagasi 2

After a firefox update it's something needed to restore all the links from a saved local file. If you do so, the extension rereads every single link in every group as soon as you go to the group. That's not why I save the links. My expectation is, that the links (and small previews) will be just inserted to the groups again without rereading. Thats boring ...

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