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Bookmarks in toolbar without any text description - just favicons

Petr Běloch 11 lat temu 0

For well known bookmarks with favicon I always delete its text description. I just don't need to see "" when I can recognize its favicon. Text description takes too much space. Please don't fill the text description with url while syncing.


Group multi row and color

eswno 10 lat temu 0
Hope display multi-row when groups can not be fully listed in one row, user could define the display color for each group.

HTML5 Tablet/Phone friendly UI

George Breeze 10 lat temu 0

Scrolling apps vs 3D effect spin

Thomas Orr 11 lat temu 0

When I scroll, it goes up and down, I would prefer apps spin left or right in a loop.  This would also make it easier to keep only three rows on the screen, but spins like a carousel.  

Also your pop-up box for Themes, you might want to spell check that - or just change "shot" to "show".

Image 3


I want default google search of chrome and not customized search

sidahmed salvatore 9 lat temu 0
Google default give more appropriate search result.
all customized search are annoying.

No longer conect to EverSynch form Chrome or Firerfox 404 not found

NickGreek 9 miesięcy temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Denis Yurashku 9 miesięcy temu 1

Image 2638


page is black no tabs

meg 9 miesięcy temu 0

Nothing works since the last version of Opera One(version : 105.0.4970.29)

fujintel 10 miesięcy temu 0
W trakcie analizy

Sync failed

kso 1 rok temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Fabiozib 1 rok temu 5

Trying to sync my bookmarks I'm getting following message and the sync process fails

Important, if you sync bookmarks between FireFox and Chrome!
FireFox folder "Unsorted" won't be synced by Chrome browser, but it will be synced by EverSync to FireFox

W trakcie analizy

Bookmarks blank after sync

Gloomster 2 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez nimbusweb 2 lat temu 3

Hi All, 

I'm trying to sync Opera GX and Brave browser. 
Turned off automatic sync in Brave. 

First I get all my bookmarks from Opera to EverHelper > work fine.

Second I merge my bookmarks from Brave > again works fine. 
After I click Start synchronization from the browser addon in brave all bookmarks that have been in folders are gone and I have only blank folders. 

This is happening on my brave and Opera browser. 

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