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Under review

How to hide the group name

ProllDoll 8 year бұрын updated by nimbusweb 8 year бұрын 2

It would be great if the User could hide the "Groupname" button in the upperleft corner of the Speeddial page. Is there a way or an option i overread or ist there no way at the moment to do this.

Kind regards ProllDoll

Image 564

Under review

Floating Group

Herman 8 year бұрын updated by Naser Saifullah 8 year бұрын 2

It will be great if the group tab could be floated at the top even when we scroll down to the bottom, so we don't have to scroll back to the top to switch to another group.

Under review

Sync groups

JoopR 8 year бұрын updated by nimbusweb 8 year бұрын 5

Why don't the groups in Speeddial get sync'd? If I rename groups or create new groups on one PC I would like to see that sync'd aswell so that I can see the new or renamed groups on my other PC.


im hacked

debbie bethel 8 year бұрын жаңартылды 8 year бұрын 1

Under review

All Themes as Speed Dials

PhoenixIO 8 year бұрын updated by nimbusweb 8 year бұрын 1

I really wish that FVD could detect the chrome theme and set it as the speed dial backround instead of very specific backrounds.

Under review

Здравствуйте! нужно дополнение для яндекс браузер

cerena 8 year бұрын жаңартылды 8 year бұрын 11


Виталий Соловьев 8 year бұрын 0
Under review

Default group not remembers

Алексей Морозов 8 year бұрын updated by Glam 7 year бұрын 24

Hello! I have a small but annoying problem with Speed Dial in Mozilla Firefox not remember a group shown by default when you launch the browser. I only have 2 groups and FVD aggressively starts my 2nd group, not the main one. No matter what I chose in the settings the next time you open - still defaults to a stage 2 group. It even the alphabet is not suitable to be sorted first. What could be the problem? Thanks in advance!

Здравствуйте! У меня небольшая, но надоедливая проблема со Speed Dial в Mozilla Firefox - не запоминается группа, показываемая по умолчанию после запуска браузера. У меня всего 2 группы и FVD настойчиво запускает мою 2-ю группу, не основную. Что бы я не выбрал в настройках при следующем открытии - всё равно по умолчанию стоит эта 2-я группа. Она даже по алфавиту не подходит быть отсортирована первой. В чём может быть проблема? Заранее спасибо!


Почему нельзя вывести весь список закладок?

nispel-90 8 year бұрын 0

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