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Оставлять пустые дилы

Евгения Ронжина 11 ár síðan updated by Aleksey Al 10 ár síðan 1

Хотелось бы иметь возможность оставлять пустые дилы. Вот надо мне, например, внутри группы отсортировать вкладки, а не получается, потому что обязательно друг за другом должны идти.


Android advertisement

Kirill Petrov 11 ár síðan updated by nimbusweb 11 ár síðan 1
How remove message "Download Speed Dial and EverSync for Android"?


Евгений Савонин 11 ár síðan 0
Under review

Fast Dial

Viliger Black 10 ár síðan updated by nimbusweb 10 ár síðan 1
- Is there a help page ? I am trying to move thumbnails around on the screen and cannot figure how to do it. I am moving to Firefox from Chrome and I have 16 dials all set and I can't import them either :( So much work seems to be invested in the add on and it's graphics but no help page or feedback page except this awful confusing page.


Clau Schwa 11 ár síðan 0

Hello! :) I'd like to know how can I use the FVD downloader in Spotify, can you help me please? Does it work in that site?



allie young 10 ár síðan 0

Password protection of tabs individually must happen

Mighty Mad 9 ár síðan 0
It's the only thing preventing SpeedDial from getting to another level. It would also be great if we could hide tabs, but password protection would make something like that reduntant.

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