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Under review

ввели какие-то новшества и стало совсем неудобно!

bigmama62 7 ár síðan updated by nimbusweb 7 ár síðan 1

зашла с утра в Speed Dial , а там новая тема и всё изменилось! очень неудобно! Можно вернуть старый фон?


Search takes up whole inch from the top of the page when search and be typed in address

MDamion 7 ár síðan 0

Annoyingly so. Ubuntu 16.04, Firefox 56 64bit. Used to be able to uncheck the search settings and its gone. However, it shows up no matter what settings are there. Again, it takes up a whole inch from the top of the page and its' not needed. Or reposition the search to the bottom of the page. Really, why even have the option when you can type the search term in the address bar.


I often have the need to subdivide groups into multiple categories

Art Smith 7 ár síðan 0

These subgroups often contain a very small number of dials. Possibly this could be accomplished with labeled horizontal separator lines, which can be optionally inserted between two or more subgroups of dials. Even a dummy dial acting as a separator between dials would help.

Under review

speeddial appearance settings not being saved

Richard MacCorkindale (Rendan) 7 ár síðan updated by nimbusweb 7 ár síðan 5

appearance settings not being saved randomly resetting preferences and acting like a new install with introduction to new feature.

Under review

Это нагло!

Игорь23 7 ár síðan updated by nimbusweb 7 ár síðan 7

Ваше последнее обновление уничтожило все мои труды! Удаляю и больше никому ни посоветую!

Under review

I updated to the newest version, lost all the speed dials I've had for a couple years.

M. Strain Jr. 7 ár síðan updated by nimbusweb 7 ár síðan 1

Everything was erased except, thankfully, my bookmarks.  It was all good, but when I closed Firefox and then opened it later, all the dials were gone.

Under review

Return it all back

v v vikulin 7 ár síðan updated by nimbusweb 7 ár síðan 1

Return it all back

Under review

The newer version is annoying! >:c (08.10.2017)

sergei_gassner 7 ár síðan updated by nimbusweb 7 ár síðan 1

Guys, please bring back the previous version where I could click the Speed Dial button and it simply brought me back to the Speed Dial page without the options menu popping up. Also, the dial borders appear when I hover over any dial now and it's annoying! >:c

Under review

Second issue - adding new dials

umpahpah 7 ár síðan Uppfært 7 ár síðan 4

Previously, when adding new dials, we had a logical option to see the box, and to make choices where the dial is going (in which group), to specify name, to define a preview, and so on.

Now, when you click on Add page to SpeedDial, you got nothing of options - just bang to default folder. Great way to ruin what was good, congratulations!

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