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Add zoom effect to buttons when hovering over.

eestiruulib 8 aastat tagasi 0

Option to change dials background

RowdyRocket 8 aastat tagasi 0

Please give us the option to set our own dials background color. Currently standard has white and fancy is dark. I'd like the option to set my own global color. Thanks and keep up the good work!


i cant sync my fvd speed dials and bookmark firefox to chrome

paulmilian 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 8 aastat tagasi 8

everytime i try to sync bookmarks and speedials on chrome, never end the sync i close the chrome browser and then open it and no sync what is happening?


How to uninstall?

Cacace 8 aastat tagasi uuendatud 8 aastat tagasi 6

Hello, i install this only to give a try, it's nice addon but because i wanna try also others, i'm going to uninstal.... and can't find New Tab Page in my extentions. If i visit Chrome Store at the speed dial section, i can see NTP and indeed i see the little green oblique stripe that say: "added". That means it's recognized as well by the Store, but i can't get rid of it.... how to? Thanks in advance to whom help me.



Andyucs 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 8 aastat tagasi 1

ok when i enable your extension i get random website just open up to site i have never been before if i disable your add on i have nothing strange all day until i enable then it all starts again


Please,DELETE yandex search!!!!!

elena2016 8 aastat tagasi 0

Please,DELETE yandex search!!!!!


расширение New Tab Page Replacement with 3D Speed Dial

romatiman 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja nimbusweb 4 aastat tagasi 4

все было прекрасно до очистки истории. после этого пропали закладки. попытался вернуть:New Tab Page Replacement with 3D Speed Dial. на что получил ответ: пакет недействителен "CRX_FILE_NOT_READABLE". собственно по иным закладкам та же беда. что делать?


Ability to scroll through tabs

Patrick M 8 aastat tagasi uuendatud 8 aastat tagasi 4

Currently only a few tabs are visible on the screen and then you have to click on a plus sign in order to select other tabs from a list.

This is quite time consuming and I wonder if we could instead make it possible to scroll through the available tabs with your fingers (touch screens) or at least add a some "scroll arrows" instead of the old "plus sign/list functionality (for use with a mouse)".


Sub groups and multiple rows of group tabs

George Bean 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja clmockbee1 8 aastat tagasi 1

Sub groups would be very helpful but in lieu of the considerable programming involved it would be helpful to have multiple rows of group tabs. Multiple tab rows, as found in Firefox, would allow one to select more tabs without having to scroll right. Although not as flexible and expansive as sub groups, multiple rows of group tabs should be easier to implement.

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